
Saturday, August 16, 2008

Big Brother 10 - Episode 15- If Jerry Were On Fire I’d Throw Gasoline On Him

Greetings my loyal minions, Maxx Fisher here.

I know this is going to come as a shock to you, my most loyal readers, but I have a hate going on. Some of you might be saying, “Hey Maxx, you stud, hate is kind of a strong word, don’t you think?” and my answer would be, “No, my Sweet Gummi Bear, it is not strong enough in this case.” You see I hate Jerry. I hate a 75-year-old veteran reality TV show contestant. I have at this point never hated a Big Brother houseguest more than I hate Jerry. I would divorce my wife and marry Natalie from last year & Ivette from season 6 before I would even talk to Jerry. And my wife is hot, so that should tell you something. But I’ll get to my deep dark blackened hate a little later, let’s get to the show.

LOTS more here