
Monday, July 28, 2008

Interview with "Big Brother"'s Steven Daigle

Despite lasting only two weeks on CBS' most recent edition of Big Brother, gay rodeo champion Steven Daigle certainly made an impression on viewers. At first, we worried he might be yet another out contestant who would leave us shaking our heads in shame when a clip of him using a racially insensitive term was broadcast on the Big Brother live feed. However, Steven also showed a sense of humor and charm that was hard to resist.

Unfortunately, despite a solid pre-game strategy and some strong first steps, he was undone by his friendship with Brian, the San Francisco account manager who quickly drew the attention of the other houseguests with his aggressive moves. Perceived as a friend and ally of Brian's, Steven was similarly deemed untrustworthy by the alliance led by Jessie. Also viewed as a strong competitor by his housemates, Steven was evicted in a unanimous vote last week.

Still, Steven was an intriguing part of Big Brother 10 and we were happy for the chance to talk with him about his relationships with the other houseguests, his controversial racial comment and the gay rodeo circuit. Once more we have a Big Brother gay contestant out of the competition pretty quickly. Why do you think that that keeps happening?
Steven Daigle: Gosh, I don’t know. You’re making me feel like a huge disappointment. You know, I watched season 8 and Dustin, he made it fairly far – he made it halfway through the season at least. I don’t really think this season had anything to do with the fact that I was gay, I think it was just some of the choices I made. I really wanted to stay longer, I really wanted to make a good showing for the gay and lesbian community. Unfortunately, it just didn’t work out.

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