
Saturday, July 26, 2008

Houseguest get a Banner

According to Lybra the banner said "Keesha, Lybra is a liar! Love, Steven".

Jesse and Michelle call Jerry out saying that he is being two-faced. Jerry calls Michelle a snake in the grass. It's all He Said She Said. Jerry has enough and says "You aren't worth my comments, this conversation is over", as he walks away he gives Michelle the finger.

Michelle is ranting on about Jerry. Jerry ranting at Memphis and Jesse (Jerry called Memphis a womanizer). Eveyone upstairs complaining about Jesse and Angie. I don't think HighSchool was this bad. Everyone talking smack.

Lybra and Jesse talking upstairs outside HOH Room. Michelle talking to April about her argument with Jerry and Memphis's argument with Jerry. Michelle defending Memphis and April defending Jerry.

It's a MESS