
Thursday, July 24, 2008

Can't get enough of Steven?

'Big Brother' Exit Q&A: Steven Daigle

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Watching those goodbye videos at the end of the show, you must feel so relieved to know that Dan won't ever refer to you as ''gay Steven'' from here on out!
STEVEN DAIGLE: Yes, he was such a funny guy about the whole gay thing! I thought it was really cute, the way he reacted to me the whole time I was there. He's a good-hearted guy. I didn't want to come on the show just as the gay person. I wanted to be Steven, the guy who has a regular life and rides bulls for fun. In the house, after the first couple of days, it sort of became a joke. I spent a lot of time floating with the girls, and the guys said I was playing gay to hook up with the girls.

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Interview with Steven

Steven was the second person voted out of the BB10 house. He will totally be missed.
