
Friday, July 18, 2008

A few Interviews w/ Brian

'Big Brother': Brian Hart's Exit Interview

I was already sad that Brian was the first houseguest evicted from the Big Brother house, but now I'm downright depressed. He was a delightful person to talk to and I think the house will be a lot more boring without him in it. Call me, Brian! Hahaha.

As some of you may know, Brian was found for the show walking out of a hotel in San Francisco. He caught the eye of a casting director who was in town for some Open Casting Calls and the rest, as they say, is history.

Are you glad you participated in Big Brother?
I'm absolutely glad I participated. I was skeptical all the way up until the move-in day, asking if this was the right decision. My mother and sisters were very upset with me about it, but it was one of the most positive processes and I had an unbelievable time doing it. I was worried about the negative associations, but every aspect of the process has been great.

If you could rewind back to when you entered the house, what would you differently?

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Exclusive Interview: Brian, from 'Big Brother 10'

Brian was an ambitious player, you have to give him that. It's always an unfortunate honor to be the first person eliminated on a high-profile reality show, but few go out with the bang that Brian managed to on Big Brother 10. Brian came into Big Brother with the idea that he would mastermind the game, that the strategery would begin the second the houseguests walked through the front door. While the other houseguests eventually caught wind of Brian's big plans, his actions have become an instigator for Big Brother 10, and have kicked the fame into high gear. For that, we have Brian to thank. We talked to Brian earlier today about his time on the show, what we can expect going forward, and what he's got planned for the near future.

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