
Monday, July 14, 2008

Big Brother classes up slightly

Here's an article I read on the take of the Houseguest, it made me chuckle.

Big Brother 10 may be a return to the ways of early seasons, and started with a sorta-twist where the houseguests elected an HOH immediately, but the show’s biggest surprise came when houseguests’ names popped up on screen: The editors have dumped Courier New (or whatever derivative of it they were using) as their on-screen font. Instead, they’re now using a somewhat narrow sans-serif font, complete with gradient shading.

That, plus an extremely (and unnecessarily) elaborate challenge made the show seem a lot more classy and less like the trashy piece of shit it actually is. Even the contestants seemed like a solid upgrade from the last two seasons, and so far, it really seemed to help that they are all genuine strangers. After 44 minutes with them, they actually seem promising. Of course, most of them are absurdly stupid and annoying, but they’re not exactly obnoxious or overly abrasive.

There’s one looney nutcase freakshow absurdface who’s going home first, Renny, and some arrogant, overly confident super-strategists who are actually just dumb. Also, apparently there are some women in the house besides Renny. During the nomination ceremony, every time a female was announced to be safe, I was like, Who? Who?, because the editors focused mostly on the penis-wielders.

You have to read the rest of it