
Friday, July 11, 2008

Completely Arbitrary Pre-Season Predictions

Arbitrary predictions. They're the best. For a frame of reference, let's look at this little ditty I wrote about Natalie before Big Brother 9, who, prior to the start of the season, I predicted to win it all: “She's going to have a legion of fans among male viewers – just look at her. It's going to be a surprise win by a seeming underdog, but she'll deserve it.” It turned out that Natalie was one of the most unlikable Big Brother participants in the history of the show. It's not all bad, though; I predicted eventual winner Adam to come in second. Now, it's time once again to put on my prediction skull cap, look into the crystal ball and guess who will triumph on Big Brother 10. The season premieres this Sunday, July 13, and now that we've caught our first glimpse at the thirteen fame-starved contestants, I can make informed, yet totally arbitrary, pre-season predictions.

Part 1
Part 2