
Sunday, August 24, 2008

Great Post about Renny

Do or Dye in the Big Brother House for Metairie's Renny Martyn

Posted by TheCajunCatz , August 22, 2008 3:43AM
Metairie's favorite Big Brother 10 houseguest has taken out her shears to snip off her biggest target in this week's Big Brother episode on CBS. Renny Martyn, Metairie beauty salon owner, and her friends in the BB10 house have successfully ousted Arizona's April Dowling, considered a big threat in the house. As always in the Big Brother game, it ends up... which alliance has the luck to win the coveted HOH spot and which nominee has the numbers to remain in the game. Last week's episodes showed Renny winning HOH and her alliance keeping the power this week with Dan, the Catholic school teacher, successfully winning a grueling, 4 hour, HOH competition tonight. All bets on Renny staying for at least another week should be good ones, as she is well liked by most everyone in the house. Our guess is that after much too much drama (that always happens in reality tv), Jerry, the 75 year old former Marine, will be the one leaving the house. CBS always warns us to "expect the unexpected", but this week seems to be another safe one for Renny, who is quickly becoming America's Favorite Player this year on BB10.