
Thursday, May 1, 2008

“I’m Not That Cocky or That Arrogant” – An Interview with Big Brother 9’s Matt

by David Bloomberg -- RealityNewsOnline


Matt of course hasn’t had a chance yet to see himself on TV, but he’s heard a few things and knows how he came across. What does he have to say about that? How about his relationship with Natalie and some of their nocturnal activities? Indeed, what does he think of her and the others in general? Matt has quite a bit to say in this exclusive RealityNewsOnline interview!

Of course, one of the main things Big Brother viewers – especially those who watched or read about the live feeds – want to know relates to his relationship and actions with Natalie. Matt isn’t shy about that point – in fact, Matt isn’t shy about much, including describing the way he behaved. So let’s get to it.

RealityNewsOnline: Hi, Matt, and thanks for taking the time to talk to us here at RealityNewsOnline! Let’s start at the beginning. Did you have a specific planned strategy coming into the game?

Matt: Before I found out there was partners, my plan was to try to womanize all the women to get them to love me so I’d always have their vote. That didn’t work when I got Natalie in the picture. I usually get along with the guys, I figured I could lie and backstab my way through the game, but things happen.

RNO: How did that strategy change once you got in the house?

Matt: I couldn’t go around trying to schmooze over every girl since my partner had it in her head that since CBS said we were soul mates, we really were. I couldn’t flirt without her getting aggravated. I tried to do it behind her back but it blew up in my face. It’s not my fault Natalie fell in love, but she fell in love since day one. I don’t regret having her as my partner, she was a great competitor.

RNO: How much Big Brother had you seen before going into the house?

Matt: I watched most of Season 6 and most of Season 3. I didn’t see too much of Season 8. I was hooked. I had never really seen it and then when I was in the process of being cast for it, I saw it and really liked it. It’s a fun show to watch, there’s a lot going on all the time.

RNO: What did you think of the couples twist?

Matt: I was pretty upset. I come in with a certain strategy, planning on flirting with the girls, and they throw me a steady wife in the house. You have to sleep with her, live with her, she’s your shadow. It throws a wrench in the wheel. Looking back, I don’t regret having Natalie as a partner, but who knows what would have happened if it were singles all the time.

RNO: What about the various other twists, such as splitting the couples and bringing back James?

Matt: Don’t even get me started on bringing back James.

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