
Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Big Brother 10 Together Again Rumors Already Flying

Reality TV Magazine
April 27, 2008 07:53:07 by Joe Reality


With just one commercial at the end of the Big Brother 9 finale, CBS has started the rumors flying about what might be in store for Big Brother 10. The commercial featured black silhouettes dancing to the song “Happy Together.”

As the figures danced and the music played, the words “Summer And Big Brother Together Again” flashed in the background. Because the words were separated as they flashed, speculation is running rampant over if there was any hidden meaning to the words.

It’s possible that the words meant nothing more than that the Big Brother show is once again together with its Summer timeslot. However, it’s also possible that “Together Again” might be the theme for Big Brother 10. If “Together Again” is the theme, then it would seem to indicate that once again Big Brother will not be a house filled with complete strangers.

Of course, for the last six seasons of Big Brother at least some of the houseguests have known each other before entering the house. Not since Big Brother 3 has the house been filled with complete strangers.

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