
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

BB8 Nick's Blog

Hey all... Thought I'd post about the finale and wrap party for Big Brother 10... For the finale, Jen brought her friend, Murtz Jaffer, who hosts a show called Reality Obsessed. He is a really nice guy and probably the biggest reality television fan I've met. There were some former houseguests that I ran into before we were ushered into the television audience. I met up with Matt and Adam from last year's show and they were good guys... ran into my man Adam from Survivor and his fiance Erika.. Zach was with them as well... and talked to James Rhine. Him and I were seated fairly close to each other and we had some good chats, he's a nice guy for sure. The show was fun and I was really suprised to see that Dan won with a 7-0 vote... I thought it was well deserved and thought he played a great game. After the show, Jen went into the back to do interviews for MSN and I headed downstairs w/ James, Chelsia and Sharon. P.S. Chelsia and Sharon were great as well.It was fun meeting up w/ some of the old production staff since I haven't touched based with them for awhile. I touched based with some people I haven't seen in a awhile... From our season I got to chat a little w/ Joe, Dick and Zach and everything went really well.

Thursday was the Wrap party and Jen and I went to Zach's before hand to meet up with him and his buddy Mikey, who was a super cool guy. He was the winner of I Wanna Be A Soap Star a couple years back and he was a good dude. We headed over to the Wrap Party and we met Crazy James right when we walked in.. He was nice and informed us as to his plans of becoming a Bicycle tour guide in Paris. Met up with most of the same crew from the Finale night throughout the night. Also, talked to a lot of people I had never met (Parker, Jen BB9, Joshua, Shiela)... Talked to pretty much all the BB10 Houseguests during the course of the night. Dan- This guy I can relate to.. He's a teacher from the Midwest and he is really grounded... I think he was really overwhelmed and guessing he was just excited to get back to Michigan and do his thing. I was talking to someone and Memphis came up and introduced himself to me, he seemed like a nice guy as well and we chit-chatted about editing and life after the show. Libra and her husband are great people, I dug talking to them (we also ran into them at Universal). Talked to Ollie and April and foresee meeting up with them at some point since Ollie is moving down to Arizona. The person I was really impressed with was Jessie. Since I've been on the show, I've learned not to judge anyone. I get itsy bitsy personal opinions of certain people but until you meet them, you don't know what type of person they are. Jessie came up and introduced himself to me and he is a really nice guy. He got a really bad edit on the show because the Jessie I met was a lot different than the one that was portrayed on the show. The magic of editing!! Overall, the experience was really great... This is kind of a watered down blog because there are so many out there already that give you the jist of what went down. Great trip overall though ...