
Friday, June 27, 2008

Where are They Now? - Season 9, Part 3

Big Brother 9 had an interesting final 6. I'm wouldn't go so far as to say that they were unlikable, but speaking honestly, they weren't really my cup of tea. They made the Big Brother house an interesting place, for sure, but never once did I think “Man, I'd love to hang out with those guys.” One thing that I've noticed in this “Where are they now?” series is that almost all former Big Brother contestants seem to have a big “fan base.” It's hard to imagine why. But, they do. And, the Big Brother house guests love playing to their fans, responding to them on MySpace and with tons of interviews. It's a bizarre situation, one unique to Big Brother.

In our final “Where are they now?” article, we take a look at the top 6 finalists from Big Brother 9: Continue reading