
Monday, August 4, 2008

BB9 Natalie blog post

Who I like on BB10

Watching BB10 has been fun and crazy! It's weird because I was just there so I know exactly what their going through. It's taken me a little while to get into this season especially because my season had so many twists. But so far my favorite is Memphis because he's nice, cute, smart and he's got a big heart. I can tell that he is a great person. I really hope he wins the pov or doesn't go home. Also I like Dan, I think he's funny, insirational and a good player. At first I didn't like Michelle but now I'm really liking her . I was hoping she was gonna win the last hoh out of her and April. Keesha's a good player, she's playing smart and if she sticks with Memphis everything will be great. Hopefully she and Michelle can help save him. When I watch them play all the games I feel I'm right there with them and wish I could play. I loved the endurance comp with the earthquake wall. .....looks like fun:) The funniest game to me was the first pov where the houseguests had to dive under a bridge of hunny onto a huge bed of feather pillows!! They had thick, sticky hunny all over them with feathers to top it off! LOL What a freakin nightmare to try and get all that off. That's bout it for now folks. Thanks for reading and let me know your thoughts and who you like. Much Love,


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