Chelsia - Mini Interview While We Wait for Noms
While we're waiting on the Nomination Ceremony, I thought you might to see a little QnA I did with Chelsia the other day... all about sequester and such...
BBDish Carolyn: While in sequester, what is the situation with phone calls? All the HGs every season seem to think its phone call city once they get to sequester.
BB9 Chelsia: In the BB handbook it says that in sequester each houseguest is allowed one monitored phone call per week…. After being evicted from the BB house my first question was "When do I get to talk to Ceeta??"
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Saturday, August 30, 2008
Chelsia - Mini Interview
Big Brother House Calls - 08.29.08
Gretchen welcomes double evictees, Michelle (first half) & Ollie (second half) to the show.
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Ollie's Interviews
'Big Brother': Ollie's Exit Interview
Ollie was the unfortunate victim of the Big Brother fast-forward Thursday night and was on the block, not vetoed and out of the house in the span of an hour. The fast-forward night rules! I also hope the fast-forward means that someone is being voted back into the house. There are several houseguests I'd like to see given another shot. Also because of how crazy it would drive the jury members. Follow along after the jump for Ollie's exit interview.
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Exclusive Interview: Ollie, from 'Big Brother 10'
Ollie, oh Ollie. I'm not sure what kind of legacy the Son of a Preacher Man will leave on Big Brother, but it probably won't be positive. And, you know what, that's unfortunate. Under a different set of circumstances, Ollie might have been a fan favorite. We never got to see the real Ollie, or at least a laid back, stress-free Ollie. He was either being April's lap dog, or scrapping for his Big Brother life.
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Steven's Labor Day Weekend Opinion Blog
Alright, so here goes with some more of my opinions...
First off, was that double eviction show exciting or what? I had some friends over to watch and we were litterally on the edge of our seats and then jumping and screaming for joy everytime someone won a compeition. Very glad to see Michelle go, I think it is definately a good move for Team Dan. I am sure I will get some heat for the next statement but I was SO glad to see Keesha beat Jerry in HOH. I know a lot of people have mixed feelings about Keesha, I still love her to death and was so glad she won and put Ollie up(although she has made some bad moves in the past and let her emotions rule her at times she did the right thing on thursday.) I was so excited for Dan to win POV I was litterally standing up and yelling at the TV. Did you see what a different player he is when he wants to win a competition, he had his game face on and kicked ass.
Here is some opinions on Ollie, I think had Ollie not been evicted when he was that Big Brother should have issued him a penalty nomination for his actions last week. How about his childish walk out of the house, has he done anything to make himself look good, ever? His fit in the back yard, throwing and breaking things was probably the most rediculous display of NO self control I have seen all season. I would love to rant and rave about his remarks (calling Memphis a F*****) but I think it speaks for itself and no reason to even waste my time typing any more about my disgust for him and his character. I think his family should be very embarresed for him.
Once again I would like to express my thanks and gratitude to all the fans that have remarked on my representation as a gay man on TV. I sincerely take every single compliment to heart and I am so thankful that the Gay and Lesbian community as well as many from the strait community were so happy with how I came across to viewers. I tried my best to just be me and I am so glad that it came across in a positive way!
Lastly, I haven't been watching the Feeds, did Jerry really win HOH? What is going to happen now? I fear he will be putting up Keesha and Dan, that is my guess anyway. I guess only so many things can go the way we want them to, going to be another interesting week!!
Oh and Suck it Bitches ;)
Friday, August 29, 2008
Dr. Will Kirby talk show appearance - Chelsea Lately - Dr. 90210
Chelsea Handler from The Chelsea Lately Show interviews the star of Dr 90210, Will Kirby. They chat about botox, ribbed condoms, big brother, tattoo removal - Dr Tatoff. *Adult*
More Interviews w/ Michelle & Ollie
BB10: Interview with Michelle - "No one wanted to take me to the last two."
Okay, maybe Michelle was backdoored for “something she didn’t do” as she said on Thursday night’s show, but when you’re on the outside of the alliances left in the house, it’s not such a big surprise. Or is it? In this interview, Michelle Costa , the realtor from Cumberland, Rhode Island, doesn’t hold back when telling us what the other houseguests were like, or why she got the boot this week. In fact, unlike the past two weeks, this houseguest actually answered our questions! Is that so much to ask?
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Exit Interview with 'Big Brother 10's Ollie
For the record, Big Brother fans, Ollie is his last name and Bryan is his first! Since there was already a Brian in the house, CBS didn't want you to get confused! Wasn't that nice? Now that we've got that cleared up, let's talk to the 27-year-old marketing sales rep from Iowa about how Dan gave him the total shaft. (Also, click here to read my exit interview with last night's other ousted player, Michelle Costa.)
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Double Big Brother Castoffs!
Julie Chen interviews Michelle Costa, this week's first evictee from the Big Brother house. She talks about how she didn't lie, cheat or stab enough to remain on the show.
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Julie Chen interviews Bryan Ollie, the second evictee in this week's "Big Brother 10". Though he didn't win the grand prize, he feels he is a winner in his "showmance" with April.
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Michelle's Exit Interviews
Exclusive Interview: Michelle, from 'Big Brother 10'
Michelle was a fighter. While many (including me in certain (OK, most) cases), found Michelle grating on Big Brother, she didn't back down. Sure, she may have had a quick fuse, and she may have said some inappropriate things, and she may wrongly accused Dan of being a plant, but that's all Big Brother produced nonsense. Michelle has spark, Michelle's got personality. I guarantee that if I, or most anyone else, met Michelle in a social, non-reality TV setting, I would like her immensely. If she's not competing against you, I bet she's a barrel of fun.
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'Big Brother': Michelle's Exit Interview
Last night was a whirlwind night of Big Brother and I am just thrilled with how it all turned out. My Dan/Memphis alliance looks to be in pretty good shape, though we'll see how the new Head of Household feels about them. Follow along after the jump for Michelle's exit interview.
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Exclusive Michelle Interview!!! First I would like to congratulate you on making it to the jury house! I am sure you would have liked to make it further though.. What are your thoughts on why you are here?
Michelle: I know I was voted off because I am tough competitor and everyone liked me so no one wanted to take to me to the end You seemed to be a fierce competitor both physically and as far as Big Brother history. Why do you think it is that you didn’t win more competitions?
Michelle: I definetly tried to win more Competitions but each comp. Believe me I wish I won more. But I know I did the best I could do. You really seemed angry many times in the house, taking game play personally at times.. Did you feel that such moves such as Libra taking your trip and Dan putting you up were personal against you or just the way the game gets played?
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Exit Interview With 'Big Brother 10's Michelle
Look who got backdoored! talked to Big Brother's Michelle Costa, the 28-year-old real estate agent from Rhode Island, about Dan's devilish deal with Ollie, the red leotard, and what she hopes to say to Libra once she goes to the jury house.
BB10 Keesha’s BF JJ talks to us
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Big Brother w/ Marcellas: Stupid Is As Stupid Does
"Stupid is as stupid does." Forrest Gump uttered one of the most famous lines in recent movie history. This week on Big Brother 10 a lot of stupid things were done and a whole lot more were said. Now I am not one to call the House Guests stupid. I know what it's like to be there. I know what it's like to make a mistake... To do something that at the time seemed so smart or kind or just, only to have it blow up in your face and to have to deal with the aftermath for years to come. Yes, I'm the guy who didn't use the veto.
I had the power to save myself and didn't take it. I trusted the wrong people. And I paid for it with my shot at $500,000. I would have won Big Brother 3 had I made it to the end. The only person left who may have beat me was Jason. And I never would have allowed him to get to the end.
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Big Brother Houseguests: Have They Gone Too Far?
I have been watching Big Brother, a CBS reality TV show where 13 people are stuck in a house, for ten long seasons. Some seasons were great; some were just okay, but no season had people who were just so unbelievably rude that their family should just be ashamed. Like every season, there were some mild insults like "she’s a b!tch" or "he’s a womanizer." Although, I may not necessarily agree with such terms, I’m not parading around saying how horrible these people are, but there were three incidents this season where I am shocked that these people even exist.
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Head of Household #7: Dan
First off, I have to thank AMERICA for voting me America's Player!!! Finding out that I was voted America's Player was a huge surprise for me personally. I truly appreciate it from the bottom of my heart and I am very humbled by those who voted. I did my best to give you (America) exactly what you asked for, especially with the masculine yet awkward 18 second hug.
In this house I try not to take ANYTHING too seriously because this is a once in a lifetime experience. Everyday I am in this house I try to stay as positive as I can because even when the chips are down a positive attitude can pull you through a lot of tough situations.
Regarding the actual game of Big Brother, it has been a lot tougher then even I imagined. I came in this house trying to play as hard as I can right from the start and I found someone with a similar mindset in Brian. When Brian was evicted it changed the entire game for me and I realized I had to shift gears to play the "weak player" strategy. I've had to throw A LOT of competitions to get to where I am now and being a competitive person it was a very difficult thing for me to do. I'm not a huge fan of losing so to intentionally lose is a lot harder then it may seem. But make no mistake about it, with every competition I have thrown (I like to call it the Art of the Throw) I have had SO MUCH fun doing so. Anytime I would throw a competition I would try to "one-up" or do a more convincing job of each throw, and whether I fooled anyone or not, I hope you all got a kick out of it!
Lots more here
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
'Hierarchy of hotness' rules at Abercrombie & Fitch
Joshuah Welch, a manager with Abercrombie in North Park Mall, was recently told not to return to work until his hair was a more normal color. Mr. Welch, a former star of the CBS show 'Big Brother,' said he was told that his hair, which has new blonde highlights, was not a suitable image that Abercrombie wished to portray. Mr. Welch posed for pictures Friday afternoon in the Uptown area of Dallas, Texas.
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Thursday's BB HOH Comp.
I'm pretty sure the HOH comp. for Thursday will be the one that Natalie won last season where they were asked questions about who America thinks... (would lock themselves out of the White House) (would get lost on their way home from work.)
CBS has these questions up right now
Go take the poll
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Big Brother 10: Basking in Houseguest Ambiguity
Big Brother 10 provides us fans with an endless stream of discussion topics. Everyone has their favorite houseguests, the ones they absolutely despise, a prediction on how the season will play out, and their own very personal reason for disliking Julie Chen. Every single fan of Big Brother has opinions. In this way, Big Brother is different from most shows, even the popular reality ones. American Idol fans can take in episodes without holding strong opinions, and enjoy it merely for the singing and the spectacle. Survivor fandom is predicated on how CBS decides to edit each episode, and thus makes it much easier (and common) for fans to change opinions throughout the season.
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Penalty Nomination for Ollie?
Posted on All Big Brother:
An All Big Brother representative was able to talk briefly with Big Brother producer Alison Grodner’s office this afternoon about the possible repercussions of Ollie’s behavior yesterday, following the POV ceremony. In prior years, house guests received penalties or were evicted for the sort of behavior that Ollie displayed. So far feed watchers haven’t seen any repercussions for Ollie. The official response was that we will need to watch the show to find out what’s going to happen to Ollie: “You haven’t seen everything yet, just watch the show.” It sure sounds like Ollie is going to be up on the block along with Jerry and Michelle by the beginning of Thursday’s show.
Monday, August 25, 2008
Big Brother After Dark includes legal disclaimer required of pornographic movies
One side effect of returning to the east coast after a month on the west coast was adapting to the time change. Mostly, it meant that I’d try to go to sleep at normal hours, but instead be awake until 3 or 4 a.m. And on more than one occasion, I found myself watching Big Brother After Dark, the live feed from the house that airs on Showtime Too from midnight to 3 a.m. ET. A lot of it was boring and just background noise as I did something else, but I saw the post-feast fight live, and that was pretty fascinating.
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Okay folks, I know this is Big Brother 10. I know that the object is to make it to the final two and get the votes of your fellow house guests. I am, though, having a problem with what we perceived about the guests and what we are seeing now. I know going in that my opinions may differ from yours but as I respect what you have said, you need to respect mine. This is my character reading from both my personal perspective, sociology trends, and what I see as psychological angles.
Let’s start with the guy most people like to rag on:
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BB10: April Is Gone But Not Soon Forgotten
Shakespeare wrote "April is the cruelest month."
Had he been around to watch "Big Brother 10" he might have written "And April is the most clueless houseguest -- ever!"
Before her eviction last week (hooray, and it was about time!) she actually whined to Ollie that she didn't know why everyone was out to get her. "I haven't done anything," she snorted, "all I do is wash dishes and bake things!"
Ah, April if were truly that simple. Why did people loathe you? Let us count the ways. Picking needless fights with Keesha. Sticking your nose into other people's business. Suggesting that people, namely Keesha, was jealous of you because you are "so much prettier." Putting people down who didn't go to college. Screaming. Screeching. The annoying pillow talk with Ollie, who, sorry, is about as exciting to talk to as a slice of half-buttered toast. Spending an inordinate amount of time talking about your boobs.
You've got to read the rest
Sunday, August 24, 2008
Great Post about Renny
Do or Dye in the Big Brother House for Metairie's Renny Martyn
Posted by TheCajunCatz , August 22, 2008 3:43AM
Metairie's favorite Big Brother 10 houseguest has taken out her shears to snip off her biggest target in this week's Big Brother episode on CBS. Renny Martyn, Metairie beauty salon owner, and her friends in the BB10 house have successfully ousted Arizona's April Dowling, considered a big threat in the house. As always in the Big Brother game, it ends up... which alliance has the luck to win the coveted HOH spot and which nominee has the numbers to remain in the game. Last week's episodes showed Renny winning HOH and her alliance keeping the power this week with Dan, the Catholic school teacher, successfully winning a grueling, 4 hour, HOH competition tonight. All bets on Renny staying for at least another week should be good ones, as she is well liked by most everyone in the house. Our guess is that after much too much drama (that always happens in reality tv), Jerry, the 75 year old former Marine, will be the one leaving the house. CBS always warns us to "expect the unexpected", but this week seems to be another safe one for Renny, who is quickly becoming America's Favorite Player this year on BB10.
Dearborn resident still alive on reality show
DEARBORN - Dearborn's Gheesling family is both excited and anxious about this summer's showing of CBS' "Big Brother 10."
Dan Gheesling, 24, is a contestant on the show that isolates 13 very different strangers in a house together. Every move is taped, as contestants scheme and compete against each other to stay on the show and win the $500,000 grand prize.
Dan's sister, Kelly Gheesling, has been a fan of Big Brother since its inception, but never thought of trying to get on the program where a resident's every move is recorded.
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