The POV competition took place at 3:00 am (central time) and Dan has finally won. He told Jerry that he wanted to talk to him today. Keesha asked Dan if he was going to change the nominations and he said probably not.
April says she might offer the girls one of her designer outfits to secure their vote and offer Dan some of her gold bars. She also says that she saved Dan before so he owes her.
BB got them up early this morning to do D.R.'s. They also were on outdoor lockdown again this morning. Everyone thinks it odd and could be a fast forward week. When they return inside, they discover that they have a smaller table.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Dan wins POV
Renny Nominates April and Jerry
April is crying and very upset. She said that she needs to act vulnerable. Ollie says he will win POV for her but she says she will win it for herself.
Renny is telling Jerry he is not the target and doesn't want him to go. She said that she put him up because he put her up.
April, Ollie, Keesha and Michelle are talking about the feeds and Showtime. None of them watch before. April and Keesha say that there is a 20 second delay so they can't show any nudity. They also don't think that the cameras in the HOH room are on the feeds.
Parker's thoughts on BB10 Houseguests...
wow, i didn't realize how many people cared about my blogs. i've been getting hella messages about when i was going to post my next one and where the hell have i been. it's been forever and a day since i've written a blog. sorry folks, i needed a well deserved break from myspace. had to get focused. i'm still not fully back, but i felt it was necessary to write a blog today.
soooooo anywho, first, i hope all is well with you and i hope you guys are enjoying the new season of big brother 10. this is the first season ever that i have watched. hell, i still have yet to see the rest of my season. but anyways, it's cool to watch more people go through the same thing that i went through. since i don't have tv, these houseguests have kept me entertained on the live 24/7 feeds. (bb alum gets them for free.) so it's like a 24/7 marathon in my apartment.
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Big Brother 10 - Episode 15- If Jerry Were On Fire I’d Throw Gasoline On Him
Greetings my loyal minions, Maxx Fisher here.
I know this is going to come as a shock to you, my most loyal readers, but I have a hate going on. Some of you might be saying, “Hey Maxx, you stud, hate is kind of a strong word, don’t you think?” and my answer would be, “No, my Sweet Gummi Bear, it is not strong enough in this case.” You see I hate Jerry. I hate a 75-year-old veteran reality TV show contestant. I have at this point never hated a Big Brother houseguest more than I hate Jerry. I would divorce my wife and marry Natalie from last year & Ivette from season 6 before I would even talk to Jerry. And my wife is hot, so that should tell you something. But I’ll get to my deep dark blackened hate a little later, let’s get to the show.
LOTS more here
Friday, August 15, 2008
Libra on The Early Show
By a unanimous vote, Libra has been evicted from the Big Brother house. She talks with Julie Chen about her strategy, what went wrong and what's next for her family.
Interviews w/ Libra, from 'Big Brother 10'
Exclusive Interview: Libra, from 'Big Brother 10'
Even though the evicted Big Brother houseguests will, from here on out, be sent to the peculiar limbo of sequester, we will continue to interview them. It's the internet, folks – it is magic. These interviews are of the e-mail variety. Prior to last night's eviction episode on Big Brother, I sent in some questions to whoever would end up being the evicted houseguest. Libra ended up being the one to pack her bags and leave the house. Below you will find the full email interview. Keep in mind that these are Libra's unedited answers.
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Interview With Libra from Big Brother 10
Q. Mark, Have you ever watched prior seasons of Big Brother and if so which player was most memorable?
A. Yes, I have watched all of the prior seasons and I love Janelle and Will. I consider them the most memorable players from past seasons.
Q. Mark, What got you interesting in applying for season 10 and did you know what you were really getting into?
A. I applied to season 10 on a whim. I thought that it would be something fun to do and an experience of a lifetime. I absolutely had no
idea of what I was getting myself into... there are times that you definitely forget that you are on television.
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Interview with Libra
MF: You didn't even seem to try to stay in the game this week. Why not?
LIBRA: When you know that you are on the block and are going to be evicted it sometimes goes without being said. I could tell by the demeanor of the other house guest by the way that they interacted with me that they felt as though I was the bigger threat.
MF: Why didn't you really campaign against Keesha?
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'Big Brother': Libra's Exit Interview
Well, after I couldn't get a word in edgewise and Big Brother's Jessie wouldn't shut up last week, I guess I was just asking for an interviewee this week who barely said a word. I apologize for the sparseness and hopefully the evicted houseguest next will be back on form.
Q&A: 'Big Brother' evictee Libra: Jerry is a dirty old man!
Having been unanimously evicted last night, Libra Thompson is the first tenant of the Big Brother jury house! Since her job now is to figure who should win the $500,000, we can’t ask her about things she hasn’t seen or heard while playing the game -- like who Renny, the new head of household, will put up for nomination on Sunday, or whether April is better looking than Keesha (seriously, like there’s even a question). But we can ask her about going to Hawaii, her thoughts about Jerry, and whether April was right to think she sucks at veto competitions.
Check it out
BB10: When Did It Become The Funniest Show On TV?
To: Allison Grodner, exec producer of "Big Brother"
From: Alan Carter, web producer, "BB" fan
Re: This season
Date: Aug. 15, 2008
Dear Allison Grodner,
I've given up, finally, looking for a twist this season. Even though you said there wasn't one, I thought that would be the know, make everyone think there wasn't a twist but there would be a twist. And that would be the twist! Twisted!
With Libra -- my odds on favorite to win this season being voted out last night by a score of 6-0 -- I'm thinking who now has a shot of winning? (And Libra, on the strength of your speech on why your houseguests should keep you, I gotta be honest, I wanted to vote you out, too! Awful, rambling!)
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'Big Brother's' Jerry is summed up nicely
'Big Brother's' Jerry is getting old
Click the above link to read all of it, but the following paragraph is my favorite part.
No, Dan's not a model Catholic schoolteacher. (A model Catholic schoolteacher probably wouldn't come on this show to begin with.) But really, you think Dan should burn in Hell for casting that swing vote? Uh, OK, sure -- and what should we hope happens to you for the Brian thing? Death by military firing squad?
Renny won HOH
Libra was voted out by a vote of 6-0. She is the first in the sequester house. They got alcohol tonight and there is allot of Libra bashing going on.
Renny won HOH (happy dance). April was out of the competition first(happy dance) and the look on face was priceless, then Jerry, Ollie, Memphis, Dan and Keesha.
April asks Ollie "When are you going to ask me to be your girlfriend?" He told her not to worry about it. She is already planing to throw Jerry under the bus hoping Renny will put him up instead of her and Ollie. She also wants to tell her that Keesha swore final two with her.
Renny really cries hard as soon as she walks in her HOH room. BB calls outdoor lockdown, which they find strange at that hour. When they return inside, they see that April get her designer clothes, which include jeans, jacket, dresses, shoes, boots, jewelry and perfume (most of which she doesn't recognize the designer name).
Ollie is sleeping Angie's bed, Dan is sleeping in Renny's bed and Memphis is sleeping in Libra's bed.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Don't forget to tune in to our Radio Show tonight at 8:30 pm central time. We really do want to hear from you, Call-in Number:(347)838-8881 and give us your opinion of what's going on in the Big Brother House.
Also starting Sunday Aug. 17th we will be moving to a new time. Due to conflict of interest our show will now air at 6:00 pm central time on both Sunday and Wed. evenings. Please join us @ This-is-My-Reality
Big Brother 10: Would You Be So Different?
There's been a lot of talk recently about the relative awfulness of the Big Brother 10 houseguests. The general consensus appears to be that the Big Brother 10 contestants are a bunch of irredeemable, hell-spawned nincompoops who are pissing off Big Brother fans day in and day out. While that may not be entirely true, it got me to thinking. How much of the annoying personalities, the preposterous fights, and the plain old idiocy is a result of simply being inside the Big Brother house? It's not like we're watching these people on hidden cameras.
Big Brother w/ Marcellas: Season of the Bitch
Previously on Big Brother, Julie Chen wore one of the worst outfits in the eight year history of the show. How in the hell did they light that gold metallic skirt? And why did she decide to top it off with an off the shoulder shirt in poop brown? A shirt that looked like it was on sale at Limited Express. On the multiple markdown rack. Some stylist needs to be fired. One thing is certain... that stylist wasn't gay. Metallic is over. And that top would never have left the store.
OK, enough of that. And on to the point; Jessie is gone. The hottest House Guest of this season, and my vote for one of the hottest House Guests ever, finally got booted. Jessie takes his place right up there with Hardy from Season 2, Roddy from Season 3, Justin from Season 4, Scott from Season 6, Me from All-Stars (yeah... I said it), and Alex from Season 9. Big Brother does have a history of casting the hottie.
Lots more here
Want to shake things up?
Want to shake things up in the big brother house? Now's your chance. It's time for america's vote!
The next food competition will put half the houseguests on slop…but this week you have the power to give the house an unlimted supply of one additional food item.
Vote Here
Head of Household #5: Michelle
HELLOOOOOOO Everyone...... My Family, Friends and AMERICA ...... MUAH!!!!!
Let me tell you about this CRAZY house....... The past few weeks here have been unbelievable. It has been a roller coaster ride of DOWNS and UPS!!!! A few weeks ago I was at the bottom of the barrel....... THE UNDERDOG..... but know I am HOH and enjoying every minute!!!!!!!!!! Dan put it perfectly when he called me MIGHTY MOUSE.
Read more here.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Brian and The Real Deal
The Real Deal does another amazing job. But then again can Brian really take a bad picture? I think Not.
See more here and here
BB10 Spoiler: Grandpa Gone Wild?
After the POV ceremony, the Big Brother houseguests have a bad taste in their mouths regarding a certain endearing old man…
Jerry tells Dan he’s glad he got all of that out in the open [Dan-bashing] and Dan says whatever and leaves. Ollie and April don’t want Jerry in their alliance any longer – they think what he is doing now is ridiculous. They all think Jerry is just trying to intimidate people.
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Steven's first Opinion Blog
So I figured I should actually put a blog up that actually has some of my views and opinions. First I would like to address Jesse. There are lots of Jesse bashers out there and I have been one of them from time to time. I really think Jesse has made some mistakes in responding to questions and interviews and I think it is giving him a bad rap. Everyone makes mistakes and does things in the house that others don't understand or agree with. I think this is for sure the case with Jesse and I think he seems to get offended too quickly when asked about these times or situations. I hope that everyone will cut him some slack and let him try to his best to wade through this new found love/hate relationship with the BB Fans. Hopefully over time he will be able to look at himself with an open mind and be able to actually laugh at himself. If we can't laugh at ourselves then who can we laugh at? Jesse if you read this please know that I am here to support you and hopefully you will take this as advice and not critisism.
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Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Crazy James Blog Post
Help Crazy James Move to Paris
Sorry I haven't been jamming alot more Vlog's I have just been in busy mode trying to get some things lined up. I have also been kinda bummed after the whole CBS thing and thinking I was going on and than not going on. Oh well this is life. I also wanted to thank the people that had reached out and aksed if they could help me with anything before leaving. In all honesty I do need your guy's help. I would love if you guys could throw me a dollar or two to help me move to paris. Shits really wacky and I would love to be able to move smoothly and also be able to provide you guys with provocative stories and wacky vlog from france. Gotta love those hairy kids over there.
My Paypal account is Anything helps and I would fucking give you the shirt of my back in return.
In Response to My Help me move post....
For those of who don't already know I have multiple jobs. Here how about this, I work at Bar 107, I am working managing a new night at Aqua Lounge in Beverly Hills, tied in with 98.7 here in Los Angeles. I answer random phone calls from 14yr old girls laughing or the withheld numbers that hang up at 3am, nope don't really know them but I take the time to talk. Sometimes it gets creepy quick but for the most part talking to you guys rocks.
So to get to my bulletin I posted, I had recently been getting emails from people asking how they could help on my adventure, (NOT A FUCKING VACATION). I am sorry if you think completely getting rid of everything you have and moving to another foreign country to rehab your body so you can get back on your bicycle. Not rehab in the sense like hey James no more beer but rehab in the sense I snapped my fucking wrist from my arm and it is slow healing. I understand many have wrote saying "We Just gave you 25,000". Meaning you clicked on a button from the comfort of your home. Great I feel honored. I would feel more honored if you took that same effort and the one or multiple clicks it took for me to win 25,000 and fucking travel.
LOTS more here
Big Brother Buff Boy Blames America's Player for Ouster
Last week on Big Brother 10, 22-year-old professional bodybuilder and personal trainer Jessie Godderz was evicted after viewers instructed America's Player, Dan, to vote him out. Now Jessie strikes back, insisting that his game play was "perfect," that one of his house mates was off her meds and that in no way is he arrogant. So, Jessie, how are you doing?
Jessie Godderz: A little sleep deprived... because as much as people want to point the finger at me, it was taken out of my hands when America told Dan what to do. Initially I felt a little confident in Dan by him saying that $500,000 wasn't worth him going back on his word, and he got paid not even a fraction of that to put me out of the house.
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‘Chicken George’ makes third appearance in ‘Big Brother’ coop
“Chicken” George Boswell of Rockford returned to reality TV again Sunday night.
Boswell, who competed in CBS’ first “Big Brother” season in 2000 and as a favorite was asked back to compete in the 2006 “Big Brother 7: All-Stars,” returned to the show to battle against a houseguest in a true/false game and won. Boswell joined memorable houseguests from each of the previous nine seasons as part of the show’s 10th anniversary celebration.
More here
Monday, August 11, 2008
Big Brother: PoV Ceremony Results - Jerry Puts A Target On His Back
On Monday, the Big Brother houseguests are woken up at 9:30. It looks like they’re already getting ready for the PoV ceremony.
At 11:10, Jerry is telling Michelle how honest he is and what a loyal person he is. He says he’s “going to go for the shock factor and not use the PoV,” but it really doesn’t seem very shocking. He says he’s going to say “once again I’m going to save your ass Dan, I’m not going to use the PoV.”
Jerry goes downstairs and says “let the games begin” to the group down there. He says he’s not in the mood for Dan or his tears, and goes on and on about how Dan is a loser and goes through his planned speech.
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BB10 - Jerry Didn’t use the POV but he gave a great speech, April “did he take his medication this morning?”
12:51pm Memphis and Michelle are going over the veto ceremony and Jerry’s inappropriate speech. Michelle says it was based on things Jerry didn’t hear himself and that the POV speech was all about Dan. Michelle tells Memphis that regardless if Jerry would use the POV or not she would of nominated someone “SHE” wants up not who “HE” wants up.
Read it all here
Jessie’s interviews include a defense of his anti-Semitism and unintelligible, illogical answers
Jessie Godderz, the most recent Big Brother 10 evictee and the victim of viewers’ votes, has done a round of interviews with web sites and media outlets, and collectively they seem like some kind of punishment for the people who suffered through them—and for those who read them.
His answers are essentially nonsensical, and it’s clear that viewers understand what happened in the house more than Jessie does, and that the interviewers could have gotten more intelligent answers by asking questions and then pulling Chatty Cathy’s string. The transcripts read as if someone took a perfectly comprehensible transcript written in English, translated it to Mandarin, then to Swahili, then French, Spanish, Icelandic, and then back to English, and then deleted one-third of the sentences. Besides the incomprehensible parts, they’re full of non-sequiturs, answers that ignore the question, and poor diction (someone get this kid a dictionary).
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Jen's Big Brother 10 Appearance..Tonight!!!
Hey you might already know, myself and a houseguest from each of the 10 seasons are going to be on Big Brother TONIGHT!!!
I am going to write about going back to the house and talking with everyone there on
It was fun to go back and see it from another point of view..I will admit that even being there you are still suspicious and wonder, what is going on, but none the less it was fun. I am so glad that Big Brother invited me to be their representative for Season 8! "Thanks Big Brother!!"
So who was there? Chicken George, Bunky, Amy, Jun, Jase, Janelle, Boogie, Myself, Matt, Brian, and Danielle (season 3)..she wasn't in the comp but she was there and was really nice! :-)
Anyways I will write more on MSN along with my recap of tonight's episode. :-)
:-) Jen
Sunday, August 10, 2008
Second Site
Here is a second site to save Dan's job.
Dan from Big Brother 10 has asked America to make him a site. Save-Dans-Job.Com, here you can vote to support Dan and let his school know that you think they should let him keep his job - despite what he has been up to in the BB10 House.
My Triumphant Return to 'Big Brother.'
A few weeks ago, I was lucky enough to find myself a primo spot in Julie Chen's live audience for Big Brother. It was an experience that was both massively entertaining and wildly surreal. As soon as it was over, I wanted to go back, but I soon learned that contrary to what the show's staff says and encourages, repeat visits are a no-no with the ticketing company. Well, I wasn't about to let some arbitrary, bureaucratic decision by a third party hinder my Big Brother experience. That's right, my friends and I headed straight back to the CBS Radford studio lot and plopped ourselves back in the BB audience. It wasn't easy though, and the chain of events that led to our seating verged on saga status. But we made it, and we were lucky enough to see one of the most amazingly idiotic exit interviews ever.
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