
Friday, August 29, 2008

Michelle's Exit Interviews

Exclusive Interview: Michelle, from 'Big Brother 10'

Michelle was a fighter. While many (including me in certain (OK, most) cases), found Michelle grating on Big Brother, she didn't back down. Sure, she may have had a quick fuse, and she may have said some inappropriate things, and she may wrongly accused Dan of being a plant, but that's all Big Brother produced nonsense. Michelle has spark, Michelle's got personality. I guarantee that if I, or most anyone else, met Michelle in a social, non-reality TV setting, I would like her immensely. If she's not competing against you, I bet she's a barrel of fun.

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'Big Brother': Michelle's Exit Interview

Last night was a whirlwind night of Big Brother and I am just thrilled with how it all turned out. My Dan/Memphis alliance looks to be in pretty good shape, though we'll see how the new Head of Household feels about them. Follow along after the jump for Michelle's exit interview.

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Exclusive Michelle Interview!!! First I would like to congratulate you on making it to the jury house! I am sure you would have liked to make it further though.. What are your thoughts on why you are here?

Michelle: I know I was voted off because I am tough competitor and everyone liked me so no one wanted to take to me to the end You seemed to be a fierce competitor both physically and as far as Big Brother history. Why do you think it is that you didn’t win more competitions?

Michelle: I definetly tried to win more Competitions but each comp. Believe me I wish I won more. But I know I did the best I could do. You really seemed angry many times in the house, taking game play personally at times.. Did you feel that such moves such as Libra taking your trip and Dan putting you up were personal against you or just the way the game gets played?

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Exit Interview With 'Big Brother 10's Michelle

Look who got backdoored! talked to Big Brother's Michelle Costa, the 28-year-old real estate agent from Rhode Island, about Dan's devilish deal with Ollie, the red leotard, and what she hopes to say to Libra once she goes to the jury house.
