BB 11
Hi BB fans! Well, the time has come once again.... BB11! Casting is gearing up. Please visit and scroll down to download application and eligibility rules. Now is the time to send tapes in! Open casting call info--- soon to follow! Good luck..... I look forward to meeting you guys in person!
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
From Robyn Kass
Natty starting a movement
This year I made a new years resolution and it's to change the world. You know I have been thinking about this alot and it's driving me CRAZY!!! I mean seriously How can I change the world? WHat kinds of things should I do to make living on this earth a better place?
Then it dawned on me, I have over 5,000 people on my fan mailing list that can help:)
I have been doing 3 random acts of kindness a day for the last week or so and telling the people that I have done a kind deed for to PAY IT FORWARD. I really want to see if I can reach out to the world in a positive way.
What inspired me to do this was that movie "Pay it Forward" Can this really work? Will people really pay it forward and do 3 random acts of kindness themselves? Could we start a movement in the world because I tell you what we need it.
I've been noticing lately a lot of rude, sad, mean, judge mental people. DO you ever notice how alot of tv is bad stuff like who's talking crap on who and what celebrities have what drama in their life. I mean who really cares!!! I care about seeing people make a difference or helping and encourging each other. WHy do we pick at each other and put each other down or judge one another. WHen really we should be spending all that time and energy on loving one another, ourselves and finding what it is that makes us happy. We should help each other. I mean isn't that what people should really be doing, instead of of the negative BS!
One of these days I'm gonna have a show about helping people and random acts of kindness. Just going around and finding people to help in some way shape or form. Im not DUNNN yet, Big Brother was just the beginning for me:)
Alot of people ask me how do I deal with all the negative crap people have to say and write about me? YOu know how I deal with it.... is to not give a WHOPPTIE FRIGGIN DING DONG!!! LOL People will always talk crap no matter what you do or say!! You just have to do what makes you happy and love your self because you can't please everyone:)
So let's see if we can start a movement and change the world:) Do 3 random acts of kindness a day and tell the person you did the random kind deed for to pay it forward and do 3 random acts of kindness themselves.You can even tell me about what you did because I will use them for future youtube video's.
Thank you for all the love and support:)
God Bless you,