
Saturday, July 19, 2008

Steven Streaks

Steven and Renny talk about Crawfish

Steven and Renny talk about Crawfish (wich I love), Bayou Lafourche (which is where I live), Grand Isle (which I've spend many weekends) and the Tarpon Rodeo (which I've been to many times).

Fight between Lybra, Jerry and Renny

I was at the first live eviction show!

Not "me" but Disneyisme posted on Jokers about what went down on the first live show.

Taping was to start at 5:00 for the east coast airing and you are required to be there no less than 90 minutes in advance. We got there around 3 p.m. They have a parking structure and it was just a short walk to the tented check in area. We had to sign a release and then they gave us a questionnaire that asked if we watched feeds, Showtime After Dark, how often did we watch the show (1, 2 or 3 times a week?), then it asked who our favorite was in BB10, who our favorite all time BB player is and the last question was “If you could ask any HG in BB10 a question, what would it be?”

They treated us very nice and even had cold bottled water for us! It seemed like once they had enough of us to fill the studio, we walked on over. It was about 4:00 and there were still people coming in and sadly they were not going to make the audience. As a matter of fact some of the people that were already there, didn't make it in either. So don't be late!

Read the whole post here

Crazy James Vlog #2

This one is most definitely NOT for youngsters.

A Few Points of Interest

Michelle is pissed because Jesse asked her to use the Veto on Steven so he can put Lybra up (everyone starting to see her as too bossy) Keesha and April saying they feel like Libra's puppets and turned them against each other. Keesha calls Libra a two-faced bitch. Jerry comes in and agrees with them and says he is going after Lybra.

Lybra questions Michelle why Angie's name never came up for being nominated. Michelle trying hard to avoid her questions. Lybra has now realized the alliance between Angie, Jessie, Memphis and Michelle.

Steven and Keesha trying to get Lybra to keep Steven. She says that she will sleep on it.

Friday, July 18, 2008

POV Winner

Looks like Michelle won POV. Keesha is crying in the Spa, Jesse talking to her saying she doesn't have to prove herself to him. Michelle and Lybra are pissed (at Keesha? for taking a slop pass?)

Jesse is now trying to explain where Keesha is coming from to April, Lybra and Michelle and why she did what she did in POV comp. I'm not sure that they believe it. Jesse said it was Old Girl (Renny) who started all this.

Girls all talking to Keesha in spa now. Lybra says watch out for papa (Jerry) and she can't wait to deal with him.

Steven in HOH explaining to Jesse what went down with Brian and that he did make a deal with him but ended up voting him out.


Jesse and Memphis are thinking about replacing Angie with Dan in their alliance. Jesse says if Steven wins POV, he will put Renny on the block and get Dan out(didn't he just say he was thinking of bringing Dan in the alliance).

Keesha and April said they can't stand Jerry and Keesha says she doesn't know if she would be able to take him in the sequester house. I honestly don't know how they do it now.

Jerry tells Jessie to watch out for the girls alliance and that Lybra is the biggest threat. Keesha tells everyone that she is not a floater. But she really doesn't want Steven out but she won't go against the house.

Amanda kicks it with Schree and Baby

A few Interviews w/ Brian

'Big Brother': Brian Hart's Exit Interview

I was already sad that Brian was the first houseguest evicted from the Big Brother house, but now I'm downright depressed. He was a delightful person to talk to and I think the house will be a lot more boring without him in it. Call me, Brian! Hahaha.

As some of you may know, Brian was found for the show walking out of a hotel in San Francisco. He caught the eye of a casting director who was in town for some Open Casting Calls and the rest, as they say, is history.

Are you glad you participated in Big Brother?
I'm absolutely glad I participated. I was skeptical all the way up until the move-in day, asking if this was the right decision. My mother and sisters were very upset with me about it, but it was one of the most positive processes and I had an unbelievable time doing it. I was worried about the negative associations, but every aspect of the process has been great.

If you could rewind back to when you entered the house, what would you differently?

Continue Here

Exclusive Interview: Brian, from 'Big Brother 10'

Brian was an ambitious player, you have to give him that. It's always an unfortunate honor to be the first person eliminated on a high-profile reality show, but few go out with the bang that Brian managed to on Big Brother 10. Brian came into Big Brother with the idea that he would mastermind the game, that the strategery would begin the second the houseguests walked through the front door. While the other houseguests eventually caught wind of Brian's big plans, his actions have become an instigator for Big Brother 10, and have kicked the fame into high gear. For that, we have Brian to thank. We talked to Brian earlier today about his time on the show, what we can expect going forward, and what he's got planned for the near future.

Listen Here

Big Brother 10 - House Calls - 07.17.08

Steven reads the bible

Steven reads the bible where it condems homosexuals

Amanda Hansen In the House Again

Thursday, July 17, 2008

RealityBBQ Interviews Brian

RealityBBQ had the awesome opportunity to interview Brian this morning and what fun it was! From Libra to Jerry to Angie to Dan, he had insight on everyone in the house - and the lack of game play. This was one of the most fun interviews I’ve done so far, and I’m sorry I couldn’t provide the audio but I forgot to turn off call waiting and… well, it’s beeptastic. Instead I spent 90 minutes transcribing it! Yay! Enjoy!

RealityBBQ Interviews Brian

Brian Gets 'Socked!'

STUDIO CITY (CBS) ― Online news producers and cubicle mates Jenn McBride and Sarah Wulfeck IM each other and wrap-up each week's "Big Brother 10" drama. Expect the unexpected!

SARAH: OMG, I just watched Big Brother 10!

JENN: So did I... This season rocks. And I'm so glad Brian was evicted. What a sleaze.

SARAH: See, I liked him and thought he was funny (sock puppets!), but he did make the serious mistake of trying to make too many alliances too fast. That's been the historical no-no of the game.

JENN: Yes, the sock puppets were awesome and he grew on me a little once he was nominated for eviction. I just really didn't like the way he played everyone, especially Jerry. How tacky and dishonorable to break a military vow.

SARAH: You think Jerry was tacky and dishonorable? Or Brian?

JENN: Brian! Speaking of puppets, he made Jerry his real-life puppet and totally betrayed him. The worst of it was that he made Jerry to feel as if he had done something wrong when Brian was put on the block.

SARAH: Yah, but that's just the game. That's what he was saying -- you can't really have scruples if you really want to get ahead. There are more covert ways of doing it, though. Brian is certainly no Dr. Will.

JENN: No. I'm glad he's gone, but I'm interested to see what happens this week with Jessie as HoH.

SARAH: Jessie reminds me of the Disney character "Gaston" from Beauty and the Beast... you know... "I use antlers in all of my decoratinggggg!!!" A big meathead.

Continue Reading

Lybra the "Christian", NOT

Dan was reading the Bible in the living room with Angie and Steven. They were just reading a few verses. Steven said that he had got a Gideon Bible from the hotel room because he wanted to get some comfort and understanding about himself.

So, Lybra passes through the living room and says how dare Dan allow Steven to read the Bible. It was an abomination and an insult to Christians.

I was not much on liking Lybra but this solidifies it. Maybe SHE should start actually "reading" the bible and pay attention in church. How dare SHE!!

Brian Bites The Dust

Julie Chen talks with the first Big Brother 10 evictee Brian Hart about his "player" strategy and how it came back to bite him.

Watch The Feeds For Free!!

There is only one cam and there is a chat room on the same page. You don't need to sign up for anything, the site runs on donations.

Just TV Nuts

Crazy James New Vlog

EvelDick apologizes

From Dick's Blog:

My apologies to everyone who went to see "EvelDick, Live at the Cat Club"

Well, have you ever had one of those days?
I had one of those "two weeks"
It's like the Midas touch, but in reverse. Like bizarro Superman where everything is opposite. So, instead of everything I touch turning to gold, it all turned to shit.

I will take the responsibility for the show not getting up and rolling. When I saw the problems we were dealing with, I should have had a better back up plan. It was all computer shit and I wasn't on either end of that stuff, but when the day is done... Nobody gives a shit, they just remember that my show didn't go off as planned.

And for that I will say I am sorry for your wasted time and for letting you down, as well as everyone involved with the show and the hours put in trying to pull it out of our ass even at the very last minute.

Riki drove from Corona and (even though he was late) that poor bastard had to get right back his motorcycle and head back. We will do that piece with him or have him come in another time.

So, I wanted to thank Big Dave, who is the coolest Grisly Adams looking computer brain I have ever seen. Both of my interns that busted their asses. My Assistant Linda, who I would have killed myself or someone else over the last week and a bunch of other people, Vivid, Steve and Kenny at the Cat Club, Fetus, Sonny. If I missed you, no crying I have a lollipop and a shot of Jager for you. This isn't an awards show... but everyone worked very hard and when the clock strikes midnight, there is no glass slipper... you are done.

So, we have a week to get our shit together and there will be a few dry runs. So it should be fine.

I don't have Official word from Playboy yet, but Bridget from The Girls Next Door is scheduled to be my next guest. We have become friends since presenting an award together at the Fox gig last Sept. And she is very cool and smart as hell (surprised me too) but she has 2 Masters Degrees, no bullshit.... smart and hot, nice combo.

I will also be putting Season 9 to bed with one last interview... an interview with someone who changed the game and had the best secret alliance of the season, they were the best strategizers of Season 9, as well as having the funniest diary rooms... I will be asking the tough questions to the real stars of BB9. The guinea pigs. Well, only one of them and he will be giving me the scoop on all the crap that went on in the house, as well as after the season and why he is now not in a secret relationship, or any relationship for that matter.


The brand spankin new Suicidal Single will be my theme song and it won't be out for months....

So, check it out next week and we should be rollin'.....

Thanks for your patience and if not, fuck off


Big Brother 10 Brian Hart Tribute


Well to my disappointment, Brian is gone by a 9-1 vote (the 1 vote was a sympathy/loyalty vote from Dan) and Jesse is the new HOH. It looks like Jessie will put up Dan and Steven (as requested by the other HG), with Steven as the target to go home (but he REALLY wants Renny gone). Everyone was trying to talk him into putting Angie up but he is adamant that he DOES NOT want to put her up. Apparently Memphis, Angie, Michelle and Jessie made an early alliance. Michelle says Angie needs to convince them to keep her and to prove her loyalty to them. Jesse basically threatens Angie, says if she says anything (about the alliance?), she will be dealt with.

Some Big Brother Auctions

Sharon still has some Auctions running, including another phone call.

Natalie has several autographed photos and paintings.




Big Brother Talk

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


From The Official Dr. Delicious Fansite:

There is a tremendous amount of variability in fans of Big Brother; They come from all walks of life. But I think the one thing that everyone agrees on is that 'House Calls' is terrible. It just is. Every single year internet posters complain about how bad it is yet no one takes the necessary steps to improve it...

I've given this some thought and I think it's time to give back to the Big Brother community...

Let's band together and make a a boring, predictable internet show a whole lot more fun!

I'm thrilled to announce the 2008 "Let's Prank House Calls" contest!!!

Each episode of House Calls you simple call in, pretend to have an important point/comment/question so you can make it through the screening process, and then find a way to incorporate the words "Chill" and "Town" in to the conversation. It's that simple!

At the end of the summer, you'll have an opportunity to vote for the best prank call on House Calls this season and the winner will be given a prize package of Kirby Dermaceutical products (I'll add other gifts to this package along the way and I'll ask Boogie to toss in some gift certificates too!)

Strong consideration will be given to calls that clearly annoy the host or co-host of the show (duh).

Best of luck to you all with your prank calls!


P.S. Yes, feel free to post this everywhere.

P.S.S. Chill Town gives back!

BB10 Memory Wall pics change

Jamie Kern from the very first Big Brother

Sheila's VEGAS TRIP Photo's

Sheila sure is making up for not being a part of the "pool party" last season, first kissing James, now Parker, who's next. BTW James says on his Myspace that he broke his wrist.

Check out Sheila's VEGAS TRIP Photo's

A little Update

I'm sure everyone knows by now that it was Jesse that won the POV and not Jerry and Jesse took himself off the block and Jerry put up Brian.

Brian might be staying if they (Angie, Steven and Dan) can pull it off. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. April and Keesha fighting (over a misunderstanding) might play in their favor. The house is definitely divided.

If you don't have the feeds... you don't know what you're missing.

April and Ollie "hooking up", Renny's shout-out's, last nights Puppet show (hilarious) and tonight, the "fight" between April and Keesha (what was that all about), it's at least the 2 week free trial.

Dan's Family and friends premier party

'Big Brother' premier party

Family and friends were nervous as they anxiously awaited the premier of "Big Brother" season 10 Sunday evening. Dearborn's Dan Gheesling found out he was selected as a house-mate just three days before he was expected to pack up his belongings and leave for the voyeuristic show.

Party Pics

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

BB10 Eviction Puppet show

BB10 Renny Puppet show

BB10 - Equal Opportunity Renny

Chelsia's Premiere Party

BBDish Exclusive: Chelsia's Premiere Party and Thoughts on the BB10 HGs

Chelsia's first guest blog is all about the Premiere and the Premiere Party she had at her house last night. I can't get over how adorable Joe BB8 looks with all those curls!


Steven gets his News from The Soup

Crazy James Gives His Recap of BB10

MATTY talks BB10

Matty posted a blog on BB10

well.... since i dont blog much.. i figured id put my .02 in about the new season...... please bear with me i dont kno their names yet but ill learn em.....

the 75 yr old- OUT OF CONTROL im rooting for him! hes my grandpas age!! i love it... i hope he shows them all whats up!!

the blond finance manager at a car dealership- shes my 2nd fav.. not for looks but since i sell cars now at ATAMIAN HONDA in tewksbury ive taken a liking to her...

theres a few cuties on there that i will scam on when the shows ova haha!! jkjk..... some things never change!! hahahaha im kiddin RELAX

o ya the girl remmy or what eva her name is- shes most annoying person on television.. i hope she gets evicted first...

the rest of the cast seems pretty cool so far.... i mean they aint me n all but u kno... i was talkin to baller this mornin n him n i were sayin how they dont want none of matty mc n a balla!! haha..... sorry i couldnt do housecalls... they did offer it to me fyi..... i had to cordially turn it down due to other things going on in my life..... any ways... i said i wouldnt watch bb10 i lied lol... yea so... as for me things couldnt be better... i have a new job.. selling cars!! yupp my boy kevin hooked it up.... no more roofing for me... ummm....lifes been great since the show.. i kinda miss bein in that jail cell of bb... it was an experience... but mayb ill do an appearence on this season... n ill DEF b at the wrap party at the end gettin loose w these fools.... ok no more blog from me.. take care

Monday, July 14, 2008

Big Brother classes up slightly

Here's an article I read on the take of the Houseguest, it made me chuckle.

Big Brother 10 may be a return to the ways of early seasons, and started with a sorta-twist where the houseguests elected an HOH immediately, but the show’s biggest surprise came when houseguests’ names popped up on screen: The editors have dumped Courier New (or whatever derivative of it they were using) as their on-screen font. Instead, they’re now using a somewhat narrow sans-serif font, complete with gradient shading.

That, plus an extremely (and unnecessarily) elaborate challenge made the show seem a lot more classy and less like the trashy piece of shit it actually is. Even the contestants seemed like a solid upgrade from the last two seasons, and so far, it really seemed to help that they are all genuine strangers. After 44 minutes with them, they actually seem promising. Of course, most of them are absurdly stupid and annoying, but they’re not exactly obnoxious or overly abrasive.

There’s one looney nutcase freakshow absurdface who’s going home first, Renny, and some arrogant, overly confident super-strategists who are actually just dumb. Also, apparently there are some women in the house besides Renny. During the nomination ceremony, every time a female was announced to be safe, I was like, Who? Who?, because the editors focused mostly on the penis-wielders.

You have to read the rest of it

The first "showmance" of the season

Ollie and April are the first "showmance" of the season.

Big Brother talk

POV Spoiler Alert:

Jerry has won the POV and replaced Jesse with Brian (darn I don't want Brian or Renny to go home). It just seems to me that Jerry could be easily manipulated. Renny seems to be annoying everyone but is quiet tonight. Mechelle and Angie have bonded. Libra and April look like they took the roll of chef. Steven has come out to everyone. Steven and Keesha say that Libra is pissing him off.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Big Brother Australia axed

AFTER eight series, 162 housemates and guests, and a viewer slide of almost 1.8 million, Channel 10 has admitted that not even Kyle Sandilands and Pamela Anderson could save Big Brother.

Last night the network announced that next Monday's show - during which the series winner will be announced at the Gold Coast compound - will be the ground-breaking reality show's last.

The series which attracted up to 2.8 million viewers back in 2001 is now averaging little more than one million viewers per episode.

Ten chose to forge ahead this year with the ageing format, spiced up with appearances by party boy Corey Worthington, gay style guru Carson Kressley and Anderson, a former Baywatch babe.

But falling 2008 ratings and the need for new fresh programs this year saw Ten programmers make the decision late last week - with the backing of Ten's board.

Producers Endemol Southern Star were then informed, but the news was kept secret over the weekend before the final seven episodes roll out from tonight. It follows last week's appearance by a skimpily-clad Anderson, who was reportedly paid $500,000 to appear on the flagging show.

Continue Reading

Natalie's first official art show


Come meet and hang out with me at my first official art show in the BEAVERSTATE!! Hosted by projectmultimedia on 1785 capitol st. N.E Salem, Oregon. August 7 2008 at 7:30pm. Everyone is invited! New modeling autographed pictures, posters and original paintings!! Bring your camera and take your picture with me:) Hope to see you all there!!!

Lots of love, Natty

Big Brother 10 Commercials