
Saturday, July 19, 2008

I was at the first live eviction show!

Not "me" but Disneyisme posted on Jokers about what went down on the first live show.

Taping was to start at 5:00 for the east coast airing and you are required to be there no less than 90 minutes in advance. We got there around 3 p.m. They have a parking structure and it was just a short walk to the tented check in area. We had to sign a release and then they gave us a questionnaire that asked if we watched feeds, Showtime After Dark, how often did we watch the show (1, 2 or 3 times a week?), then it asked who our favorite was in BB10, who our favorite all time BB player is and the last question was “If you could ask any HG in BB10 a question, what would it be?”

They treated us very nice and even had cold bottled water for us! It seemed like once they had enough of us to fill the studio, we walked on over. It was about 4:00 and there were still people coming in and sadly they were not going to make the audience. As a matter of fact some of the people that were already there, didn't make it in either. So don't be late!

Read the whole post here