
Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Keesha's Interviews

Exclusive Keesha Interview! One of the most notable memories is the bond that seemed to form between yourself and Renny. Is it for real, and did you expect to meet someone you would get so close to?

Keesha: The bond between Renny and myself is very real. I would never thought in a million years that Renny and myself would have ever had the relationship that we did. I absolutely love Renny.

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'Big Brother 10''s Keesha: EW's exit interview

Keesha Smith, Big Brother 10's 29-year-old Hooters waitress from Burbank, Calif., talks to about her disdain for Memphis, that floater Jerry, and the message she received from Dan on the way out of the house.

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BB10: Interview with Keesha: "It is very hard to trust anyone in that house."

As we get nearer to the finale, CBS gets more careful with the jury members, suspecting jury taint in every question. So I apologize for the brevity of this interview, as a few of FORT’s questions did not make it past the CBS filter. We’re not left with much, but Keesha Smith, the Hooters waitress from Burbank, CA, gives us a glimpse into her head just as she leaves the game in fourth place.

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