
Sunday, June 29, 2008

Dick's Blog post

BB10, HouseCalls, RealPlayer, ShowTime, Eric & Jessica

heard Eric and Jessica broke up. I don't know anything but that, so don't write me asking..... go write them and ask. And honestly, I don't really give a shit... I just thought it would stir it up letting everyone know that

And for what is more relevant to me....
Everyone wants to know what is up for BB10 and if I will be involved in any way.

I thought long and hard when the offer to do House Calls was made. I really did. But to me the bottom line was this.... I had a good time doing it and obviously with the amount of people watching on the days I co-hosted the show, you enjoyed it as well. So, I decided to do HouseCalls one day a week, on Thursdays. And yes, I will be talking to the evicted HouseGuests on the show. So, expect the unexpected with Gretchen at the wheel and me with my foot pressing the gas peddle to the floor.

Last season was such an overwhelming success with the things I did for Real Player Super Pass, that we have decided to expand my roll with them. So, every Wed. when the feeds normally go down because the live show takes place that day. Yes, the eviction day is Wed. this year. So, when the feeds go down at 3pm on the west coast and 6pm on the east coast... You will be getting programming this season instead of just a screen saver...

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