
Monday, June 16, 2008

Behind The Lens - Chelsia Hart Part Two

From TheRealDeal

If I were to describe Chelsia Hart in one word during this shoot, it would be FUN!

Chelsia has a lot of things going on in her life right now... trying to land the perfect job, the perfect place to live, and a perfect car. Meanwhile, she finds time to hang out and smile for me. Apparently, she is looking for a new place to live - The place where she is presently staying has run its course.

So, anyways, with every day I hang out with Chelsia, the more I like this chick. She is just always smiling and laughing. I really do enjoy hanging out with her.

Yeah, I tell her that Natalie was one of my favorites, and she grills me all the time... "Why?" It's simple.

Find out Why? straight from TheRealDeal